Friday, March 15, 2013

The One Where She Rambles Incessantly About Nothing

Obviously life gets a little too crazy for me once I start dating someone, so I let things slide... Like my blog. Poor little guy (since when has my blog had a gender?) hasn't had some love in over three months. Sorry about it.

I'm sorry for the hod-podge-y-ness (like that word?) of the following post, but somethings just need to be said. 

Well. It's been a crazy few months. The high(and low)lights are as follows.

A new semester started. I loved my classes. My teachers were great.

Two and a half months later, I hate my classes. My teachers are awful. But my TELL class is OVER!! It's a happy day. My Wednesdays will be a blessed day for the rest of the semester. I am now down to 11 credits! But I just signed up for an Independent Study class, so I could technically argue that I'm still at 14 credits....

I went to Park City!! It was pretty great just to get out of Provo for a couple days, even if we didn't do anything particularly exciting.

My car got broken into. Nothing important was stolen. Just a silly flashlight and my air compressor to fill up my tires. Suck on that, thieves! I don't keep anything important in my car! With that being said, I was still very shaken up the day I found my car completely ransacked. Just the thought of someone else being in my car, looking through all my belongings, leaving their nasty ominous presence in my car for days to come. It was awful. I didn't want to drive my car for a good week. I just felt sick when I was inside it. Still do sometimes. Moral of the story, I am so blessed to have a momma who raised me not to keep anything important in my car. Love her.

Imagine Dragons. One week. From today. I. am. dying.

Winter is almost officially over!!! The weather this week has been ah-mazing. This is what winter should be like. Below freezing mornings that warm up into 50+ afternoons. I can dig.

Kim graduated Basic Training for the NAVY! So proud of that girl. I would not be able to do half the stuff she's had to in the past 8 weeks, let alone all the things she'll do once she gets into her field.

Everyone and their mom is going on a mission, y'all. I can't take it!! This is how I feel...
All my friends are dead.
but really. It's hard not to be selfish and get sad that my friends are leaving me to serve the Lord, but at the same time I know that they will do great things as they sacrifice their time and so much more to bring more people unto Christ. I'm grateful for the righteous example of all of my friends that make me want to be a better person. I've realized a lot lately just how blessed I have been to meet the people that I have and to develop the lasting friendships that mean so much to me.

I've started cooking more. That's exciting. Mostly it's not for my own benefit though. It's to impress feed Spencer. I am quite proud to say that I haven't had a cooking disaster yet! Nothing's been inedible or burnt or nasty! What can I say, I'm a good cook. Though when Spencer and I cook together he claims he's the head chef and I'm the sous chef. Psh. Yeah right. 

And that's all folks. Life's been exciting. So, so exciting (she says as she dreads the start of a weekend full of homework)... Can I just say that I am stoked for Spring/Summer when I will have no one itty-bitty online class and tons some free time after work! Here's to finding a job!

Monday, December 10, 2012


Today I am reminded of life and love, two of great things our Heavenly Father has blessed us with.
Today I am reminded of how precious our life is, and the time we can spend with our loved ones.
Today I am reminded of the love of our Heavenly Father in creating the Plan of Salvation.
Today I am reminded of the miracle of temple ordinances, and families being sealed together forever.
Today I am reminded of my life and the love I can give every day.
Today I am reminded of you.

Friday, November 16, 2012


Have you ever had an overwhelming amount of flashbacks?? Well that just happened to me when I scrolled through this list. That picture of Pappy DreWitt?? Yeah, I thought I made that show up because for the life of me I couldn't explain it well enough to do a Google search or find another person who watched this show. Seriously, this show was the reason I could even remotely draw in elementary school. Pappyland. Happy, happy days.

Check out this list.  It sure felt good realizing I wasn't the only one who felt that way about 90's games, tv shows and toys.

It's good to know that that part of my childhood is documented SOMEWHERE. Even though it's not by me, nor fully complete.

Sunday, November 11, 2012


Wellllll. I guess summer's finally over.

I woke up Saturday morning to this. Okay fine, most of it was there Friday night when I went to sleep, but still, it was quite the surprise to look outside and see EVERYTHING covered in white. For about 5 minutes, I thought it was absolutely beautiful. Then I realized that I had to drive around in it, walk in it...then I hated it. Winter is here folks. A month early. Can't it be fall for just a weeeee bit longer?? I'm still living on the summer-high.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Love It or Hate It

It's been way too long my friends. Probably long enough that you have forgotten that this is a tradition of mine. But I have news for you. Today's post is the special Love it or Hate it Edition!!

Love it:

  • When your non-LDS friends unknowingly repin LDS pins on Pinterest. Did you know you were sharing the Gospel today??
  • This weather!! Can all of November please be 55-60* and sunny? PLEASE?
  • Weekends.
  • Time Out for Women. This session was absolutely amazing. There will be a blog post entirely dedicated to it, just you wait.
  • The Conference Ensign. And just conference in general (<---you see what I did there?).
  • The Holidays. Yep. My favorite time of year.
  • Two weeks til vacation!! Monday AND Friday classes being cancelled = happy Kristen with a long Thanksgiving break
  • Parents coming this month!
  • 5k tomorrow!
  • Receiving and completing 90% of a test in the same day!! 6 days before it's due
  • Sleeping in tomorrow.
  • and as sad as it sounds, having nothing to do on a Friday night. Sometimes it's refreshing, you know? To have no responsibilities and to just relax in the comfort of your own home. And I can be in bed at a decent time and still have a productive Saturday. Win win win win win (yes I realize there were only about three "wins" in this situation. I just felt like going on...)
  • Fast Sunday this weekend. Who would have ever thought that I would appreciate fasting?? Okay, maybe I'm more excited for the testimony meeting, but still. They're one and the same right? But really, I'm wishing away my Saturday already so that I can be spiritually nourished on Sunday! 
  • Indexing.
  • Blogging epiphanies. Like the fact that I absolutely love rereading my old posts, even if they were from a month ago, and realizing that I need to be better at blogging more regularly.
  • The Holidays!! Seriously, I just can't wait. Also I noticed that I blogged about my excitement for Christmas before my excitement for Fall. Backwards much? 

Hate it:

  • Eating a sandwich/wrap with onions. Then smelling like onions. At least it tasted good, right? (Not sure it was worth hands reek). TMI, oh well.
  • Group projects. Seriously can't I just do it by myself??
  • The week from Hades. Good thing it's two days away.
  • When indexing freezes on my computer and the whole world seems like it is going to end then you have to shut down your computer to exit out of it then you waste ten minutes waiting for it to restart so that you can log back in and save more lives as you extract names from census reports and passenger lists. Yes, sometimes I like to create exaggerated run-on sentences because I like the breathy-ness of the voice in my head. I'm not weird. This is normal.

So yeah. I must be in a grateful mood because I just can't think of things to complain about!! (<except for this. Clearly I can complain about anything... like not having anything worth complaining over)

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Sometimes You Just Have to Break Out in Song.

As of late, my Glee-addiction has resurfaced. It's kind of embarrassing. But not as embarrassing as how I tripped and fell and almost face-planted on nothing and and skinned my knee and it almost got infected and yeah, Glee-addiction is looking pretty good right now. I'm two episodes from caught up, which hasn't happened since...ever. I'm quite proud of myself.

So Glee. I'm kind of obsessing. I forgot how much I love this show. Yeah it's dramatic and often times very juvenile, but that's why I love it!! I don't really have to think when I watch it. In fact, most times I do homework while I watch it. It's pretty great. The script is hilarious, the music is fantastic, the dancing is energetic, Darren Criss is super attractive at everything he does, what more could you ask for??

And when they did a cover of this song?

Yeah I geeked out a little. Cue cheesy grin.

Would it really be that weird if we all randomly broke out in song? I think not. So when I burst out in the words to "22" by Taylor Swift (because that's my current favorite song, you know), please join along and don't stare at me like I'm a weirdo. It's normal, okay? They do it on Glee all the time...

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

"Dear Friend, I'm Sorry I Haven't Written in Awhile, But I've Been Trying Hard to Not be a Loser"

Oh my goodness gracious. I love when movies change your perspective on life. I love when you walk out of the movie theatre feeling overwhelmed with emotion and the vigor to change the world. Or at least your small little section of the world.

Perks of Being a Wallflower.

So dang GOOD!

I was a little worried throughout a few parts of the movie that I had gotten myself into a scenario where I'd have to walk out of the theatre for inappropriate content (though Emily's rave reviews should have been enough to tell me otherwise), but ladies and gents, stick this one out, this movie is fantastic.

This movie is so much more than a coming-of-age story of a boy in high school. This 15 year old boy taught me more in an hour and a half about love and life than I have learned in 20 years!

Lesson number one:
Sam: "Why do I and everyone pick people who treat us like we're nothing?"
Charlie: "We accept the love we think we deserve."
The lesson is simple. You deserve the infinite love of someone who would do anything for you. You deserve the best kind of love, unconditional and everlasting. You deserved to be loved. You deserve to be loved a love that's greater than words.

Lesson number two:
"I know these will all be stories someday. And our pictures will become old photographs. We'll all become somebody's mom or dad. But right now these moments are not stories. This is happening, I am here...You are alive, and you stand up and see the lights on the buildings and everything that makes you wonder...And in this moment I swear, we are infinite."
Live your life for today. Don't live it in hope of tomorrow. Tomorrow will come, undoubtedly, but live in your today. Because one day, these todays will all be yesterdays and it will just be a memory. Make good memories, and make them last. And as President Uchtdorf said, "Life is not a race; it's a journey. Enjoy the moment."

Have you ever wished you had your journal with you during a movie? Because that definitely just happened to me.

The acting in this movie is phenomenal. The cinematography is exceptional. The dialogue is extremely quotable. What more can you ask for?? This movie is amazing.

Go see this movie. Bring your friends, bring your neighbors, bring the rando guy on the street (and bring your journal and a box of tissues).